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IATSE Local 84 Work Rules, Substance abuse and Sexual Harassment Policies


Work Rules             

Substance Abuse Policy             

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policy

Theatrical Stage Employees Local 84 Work Rules

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Union Local #84 was founded in 1901 as a member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States and Canada. Our Organization is also a member of Connecticut AFL-CIO and the Greater Hartford Labor Council. We are known by the abbreviation of I.A.T.S.E.

I.A.T.S.E. Local #84 is a non-profit labor organization, whose purpose is to improve upon the wage, benefit and working conditions for stage technicians in Hartford, New London and Northern Connecticut area and to provide the highest skilled labor available to serve the needs of the region. The terms employer in these guidelines and rules refers to the agency you are working for and not Local 84. The following classification system and work hire rules to include Code of conduct are necessary elements to ensure we provide the highest trained certified assets to meet the needs of the venues we serve.

Individuals being represented by I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 shall be of one of the following:

Union Member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees or those individuals in an apprenticeship program under the guidelines of Local 84.

Associate as an individual desiring to be represented by the I.A.T.S.E Local 84 to be included in ongoing training and educational programs to gain employment in the industry but not desiring to be a Union Member. An Associate shall pay only the portion of the quarterly per capita tax that is expended by the International Association for expenses related to the Education and Training Fund.

The Executive Board governs the day to day operations and is comprised of the five elected officers (President, Secretary Treasurer, Business Representative, Vice President and Members Representative). They are the governing body and responsible for all aspects of the governance of Local 84, including but not limited to, contract negotiations, discipline issues and administering the day to day operations of the local. The following rules and guidelines are under their purview for review and enforcement.

I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Education and Training Program designed to train and educate the members of the Local and funded by its members, associates and employer donations. All funds collected for the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Education and Training Fund are reserved for education and training and associated costs in the stagecraft field. This program is responsible for the certification and continued education of our members.

These rules and guidelines are made without discrimination against any person, and without regard for race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion or national origin. All selection and procedures shall be in accordance with procedures set forth herein. If any rules or guidelines conflict with State or Federal law the laws will take precedence over the rule or guideline. If at anytime there is a proposed change to these work rules or hiring practices the motion must be tabled until the next meeting so that the full membership can be notified of the change/motion. All Work rule changes must be submitted at a meeting, at the office in care of Secretary Treasurer, or via email to before the meeting in which it is voted on.

Eligibility and Responsibility

All applicants for membership or job referrals must be at least 18 years of age and must register with the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 office. All persons on or applying for placement on the job referral list are strongly encouraged to have a telephone at his or her place of residence and be able to be reached at any time. A cell phone is preferred. It is the referent’s responsibility to notify the office of address and telephone number changes. Failure to notify the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 office of such changes may result in the referent losing work and being dropped from the referral list. If there are any questions regarding pay through individual employers, they should be referred to the Job Steward, Stage Manager or Head Carpenter. It is the referent’s responsibility to keep any employer and union apprised of all address, telephone or tax changes.

Referents shall be referred to jobs for employment without discrimination and in accordance with (IAW) the procedures set forth in these rules and guidelines.

Referents performing no work as a stage referent through this job referral procedure for one year or more, unless being exempt as a result of disability or a break in service approved by the business agent or Executive Board can be dropped from the referral list on which their name appears. The Executive Board may waive the break in service for requirements where it is shown to the Executive Boards satisfaction that the break in service is for good and sufficient reason, such as illness, disability, service in the armed forces of the United States, or other similar reasons.

All referents must read, sign and abide by the following attachments to these guidelines and ruleBEFORE being allowed to work in any venue.

Sexual Harassment Policy This policy explains the sexual harassment policy of Local 84 and defines sexual harassment, disciplinary actions and the grievance procedures.

Substance Abuse Policy This policy defines substance abuse, the rules and penalties regarding any violations in an effort to promote a safe and healthy work environment.

Classification System

1. Referrals are made by classification on the basis of skills/practical experience, classification date, date of hire and availability. The Executive Board and or committee appointed by the President of the local shall review and select all applicants for the classification system.

Each member of the local will be trained and certified on tasks in order to maintain certification and validation within the classifications or level of consideration. The Basic skills certification as journeyman will qualify individuals to meet the majority work calls. Individual’s skills certification above the standard journeyman’s level will be reviewed taking into consideration the more experience an individual has. In certain instances premium skills are required and these skills will need to be reviewed in such cases. When such a need arises the business agent will review all individuals who have such advanced skills and using the aforementioned criteria, skills certification being the highest priority and follow the remaining criteria as necessary.

The following is a listing of the Levels of classification within the local and the guidelines associated with each. In the event any individual has been removed from one classification by failing to meet the requirements for their current level of classification, they will be moved down the classification list according to the requirements for each classification. When a person is moved down from one classificatioto  another,  they  will  maintain  the  classification  datfrom  their  current  classification thereby maintaining seniority. When a person moves up a classification they will receive a new classification date based on the date they have been assigned to their new classification. A person can be reinstated back to the previous level of classification and classification date as long as less than 6 months has transpired from downgrade of classification and they have paid all back quarterly assessments making them current and meeting that classifications requirements. Individuals falling outside of the 6 month window will be required to pay all back quarterly assessments and will receive a new classification date based on entry back into that classification. Individuals who have been downgraded out of the A list for a period to exceed 12 months will be required to pass the Journeyman’s Examination again in order to validate certification. Upon successfully passing this certification exam, this will now become their certification date.

As part of the ongoing training and recertification program all Journeyman will be recertified every 3 years within their skills based on demonstrated performance or testing unless they have achieved a higher certification based on additional training brought forth by them or achieved as part of the ongoing advanced training program within I.A.T.S.E. Local 84Effective 1/1/2023 and moving forward all C list and B list classified members will be required to complete OSHA 10 certification, no later than 6 months after reaching classification, and maintain certification as set forth by state/federal OSHA guidelines.

Individuals may petition Local 84 as a result of considerable hardship for special considerations to the aforementioned rules. In these instances, the person must write a letter attesting to the hardship and requesting special consideration. The letter should be addressed to the Executive Committee of I.A.T.S.E. Local 84. The executive committee may request additional documentation to validate such claim and the final determination is based on circumstances surrounding the hardship. The executive committee’s ruling will be the final determination on such applications.

A List Qualification:

A journeyman within International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.) Local 84 is a stage technician who has previously been certified, completed an apprenticeship program and passed the entrance examination, and is either a card carrying union member or chooses to not become a member of I.A.T.S.E Local 84 but instead become an associate. Their classification date is the date they entered into this classification and been accepted as skill level qualified by competent authority at that time.

Journeymen who fail to maintain membership in good standing in the Education and Training Program by failing to pay the portion of the quarterly per capita tax shall be removed from this classification after having been afforded notice and a reasonable opportunity to reestablish good standing. Journeymen removed from the A List may continue to register for work on the D list. A journeyman may be restored to the A list by re-establishing membership in good standing either as a full member or an associate. Members who are restored to the A List within 6 months shall have all seniority skills and classification dates restored. Otherwise, their date in classification shall be the date on which they were restored to the A list.

All A list members will be part of the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 recertification program ensuring the highest standards of training are maintained by members.

B List Qualification:

This list is reserved for those individuals that are accepted into the Apprenticeship program within Local 84. These individuals must have a minimum of 24 months and been accepted into the apprenticeship program, in accordance with Local 84’s Constitution and By-Laws, pay the $100.00 non-refundable application and $1000.00 initiation fee. Individuals within this classification will be given an entry level examination in order to assess the skills of new apprentices. Individuals within the B list will be granted the “Apprentice Classification” as they are in a formal training program within Local 84 working to attain the full Journeyman’s classification.  Their certification date is the date they entered into this classification and been accepted as skill level qualified as in-training, therefore granted higher certification status over an extra, hand or non-certified individual.

The Apprenticeship program will be capped at 30 members covering the three year program allowing for an average of 10 members per year entry. Entrance into the apprenticeship program will be on a first come first served basis. Individuals requesting application to the Apprenticeship program will complete the application for membership and pay the $100.00 non-refundable application fee to be held for the next available opening.

All B List members are required to maintain current membership classification with I.A.T.S.E. as either a card carrying member or classified as an associate. In order to maintain membership there is a per quarter assessment which covers per capita fees, supports Local 84’s training and certification program, and costs associated with representing non-union or associate members. While associate members do not  attend  monthly  meetings,  no  B  list  member  has  voting  privileges  or  is  considered  full  union members. Individuals failing to maintain current classification standing will be removed from this classification and placed in the C or D List classification based on criteria and be required to maintain all requirements within that classification.

Individuals as part of the Apprenticeship training program will be classified as a B list member until such time they successfully complete the apprentice training program and pass the Journeyman’s Examination.

All classified B list members will have the right to opt out of being a Union member, and to be classified as an associate. Those associates who havent been accepted by the membership can reapply for union membership upon completion of the Journeyman’s Examination and have become an associate member of the A List

All B list members will be part of the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 recertification program ensuring the highest standards of training are maintained by members.

C List Qualification:

An  individual  in  this  classification  must  have a  minimuof  12  months  experience in  the  Greater Hartford geographic area and have requested acceptance into this classification, applied during the appropriate enrollment periods for this classification, or been downgraded in classification based on failure to comply at a higher classification. Individuals within this classification will be required to pay a $30.00 quarterly fee at the beginning of each quarter to subsidize the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84’s Education and Training Program. Individuals failing to maintain current classification standing will be removed from this classification and placed in the D List classification after 90 days of failure to comply and be required to maintain all requirements within that classification. Once a person is entered into the C list, their date of classification is the date they have been entered into this classification, or the date of classification from a previous classification if being downgraded.

C List enrollment periods will be twice a year and will be capped at 100 people. Those periods will be as follows:

January 1-15 and July 1-15 of each calendar year, with classification for those accepted to be the first of the following month of the enrollment period. If any person is downgraded from the C List you cannot restore your C List Classification until the next enrollment period and you must make whole all financial responsibilities. If you are dropped from the C List or downgraded for more than 60 days your classification will restart at the next available enrollment period. And you will not be able to hold previous classification date.

I.A.T.S.E.  Local  84  Education  and  Training  Program  is  designed  to  train  and  educate  stagehands employed in the jurisdiction of Local 84 and is funded by its members, associate members and employer donations as well as by contributions for C List employees. All funds collected for the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84

Education and Training fund are reserved for education and training and associated costs in the stagecraft field. This program is responsible for the certification and continued education of our members.

All C list members will be part of the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 recertification program ensuring the highest standards of training are maintained by members. Employees on the C List will be offered training in aspects of the stagehand trade at least once per year. Employees who have been on the C List for at least  5  years and  who  have  availed  themselves of  training  opportunities  shall  not  be  required  to continue to pay the quarterly training fee unless they have been offered an opportunity to participate in the Apprenticeship Program and have declined such opportunity, in which case they shall continue to be obligated to pay such quarterly training and certification fee.

D List Qualification:

An individual that has been downgraded in classification for failure to comply or an individual with less than 24 months working in the stagehand craft within the jurisdiction of I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 will be placed into this classification. These individuals do not maintain current certification within I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 and do not fall under the ongoing education and training program. Individuals within this classification will  be instructed on  the safety and business practices and  given a simple indoctrinatiointo the


different skilled concentrations within the Stagehand Business. They will be considered casual hires or extras. The date of classification for D list members is the date on which an individual enters into this classification, or the date of classification from a previous classification if being downgraded.

Referral Operation

The Business Representative is responsible for enforcing the rules of conduct and referral guidelines set forth in these procedures. The Business Representative shall call referents at the phone numbers provided.  Messagewill  be  left  when  available  and  individuals  will  be  placed  on  calls  based  on availability after the individual contacts the Business agent to accept or deny the call.

All referents must call the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 office @(860) 233-8827 on Saturdays or Sundays to leave their availability for the week. If the referents do not call and leave their availability for the week with the Business Representative they forfeit their right to work based on the classification system.

The referral list will now be revised based on availability and in such cases when the referral list has been exhausted, the Business Agent will fill calls based on the needs of the local, without the constraints of the classification system as outlined in these documents.

When an employer identifies the need for a particular skill (e.g. sound operator, spotlight operator, forklift operator, rigger, wardrobe, etc.) the Business Representative will refer the next qualified person within that skilled category based on the classification guidelines and remaining available assets. Referents may not deny work in one job in order to take another, nor do they have the ability to choose the department. The Business Agent may pull an individual from one call and place them on a different call based on the needs of the Local.

In case of emergency or in order to meet its contractual obligations, Local 84 shall have complete discretion to fill such calls with any available out-of-work referents regardless of their position on the job referral lists.

Referents that turn down a call will be marked as unavailable for work for that day regardless of venue and eligible for referral the following day. At no time shall a referent replace themselves on calls; they must notify the Business Agent of their status for his action.

All designated House personnel are required to work in their “House Positionwhenever work is scheduled in that venue. By virtue of their status and position they MUST fill that position which renders them unavailable for all other calls. Under certain circumstances the Business Agent may require the skills of a “House” member in another venue and replace them with another referent.

Referents obtaining stagehand work within the Local 84’s geographic jurisdiction without being referred by Local 84 or without notification to the Business Representative can be removed immediately from the referral system.

Referral Rules

Referents, who commit acts of dishonesty, consume alcoholic beverages or use controlled substances on the job or who report to work under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances, shall be subject to suspension/termination and fines from the job referral procedure by the Executive Board. Referents shall refrain from any acts or conduct which would be considered just cause for suspension or termination under general principles of labor arbitration.

The Executive Board has the right to discipline, suspend or drop any individual from the referral list for non-payment of referral fees, unsafe conduct, dishonesty, drunkenness, incompetence, and/or insubordination. Any person who engages in conduct or behavior damaging to the Local 84’s contractual relations with employers, or conduct or behavior that disrupts or obstructs the referral system or the Local 84’s ability to carry out its duties and obligations, shall be subject to suspension or termination from the job referral procedure by the Executive Board. Such offenses shall include, but not limited to:

1. Conviction of a felony related to work.

2. Fighting.

3. Theft at work.

4. Harassment.

5 Threatening harm to any referent, Job Steward, or Local 84 official while at work, or in connection with work.

6. Consumption of alcohol or controlled substances at work, including breaks while working or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances at work.

7. Walking off a call.

8. Sneaking guests into performances, including one.

9. Solicitation of gratuities, show tickets, monetary compensation or employment.

10. Refusing work exceeding eight times in any 12 month period.

The Steward, Head or Stage Manager on the call shall be primarily responsible for reporting any infractions of the above regulations; however, any person may do so. The Steward, Head or Stage Manager may send a referent home for any of the above infractions and must report this action to the Executive Board. Failure by the Job Steward, Head or Stage Manager to report infractions can result in disciplinary action.

Hire of Heads and Assistants

House positions or Head/Assistants of department will be filled based on assessment of individual’s qualifications. When a House position becomes available, the opening will be posted on the Local 84 website, and applicants will be afforded a period of 60 calendar days within which to submit a letter of intent to apply for the position and submit a resume. The Local will collect applications or resumes of members interested in being considered for such a position. Selection will be based on qualifications and background for each position. If a position becomes vacant, and prior to being filled, the Business Agent will fill a specific call based on the needs of the Local on a temporary basis based on the skills required for the position. The Head/Assistant positions are considered to be “On the Call” as by the nature of the position  they fill  and  do  not  fall  under  the  normal  classification  system when these  positions  are required. The following are the positions in the houses we maintain.


(Selected by the Bushnell Management and must be a member in good standing of IATSE Local 84 on one of the top three classifications, A, B or C list) Failure to maintain current status may result in being removed from the house position within the Bushnell. Heads or assistants in either theatre have the opportunity to fill a head or assistant position within their same class in the sister theatre in the event a person is unavailable for a specific call. In such cases when a replacement is needed, the assistant will be offered first refusal to fill a head in same theatre then offered to head and assistant in the sister theatre in that order then filled by the Business Agent based on the needs and available manpower. (For example Head of sound in Mortenson is sick; Assistant Soundman of Mortenson will fill the head and assistant position offered to Belding Head of Sound first. If refused the assistant soundman of Belding will be offered and if refused the Business agent will fill from qualified individuals within the Local.)

House positions are in both Belding and Mortensen theatre in the following categories: Head Carpenter (Head of House)*; Flyman*; Curtainman Loader*; Electrician; Assistant Electrician; Sound; Property.

* In the event one of these three positions to the Head Carpenters position. The order as stated is the order of precedence where Flyman is 1st Assistant and Curtainman Loader being considered the 2nd. Any vacant position on a call will be filled by the lower assistants before being opened to the sister house or members.

XL Center:

5 AT LARGE House positions are considered heads of departments and are “On the Call” whenever an event is in the house. Due to the nature of these positions each individual must have a good working knowledge of all aspects of the XL center and therefore be considered AT LARGE” house positions and interchangeable based on the needs of the show or call.

The Meadows Music Center:

Stage Manager; Electrician; Sound; Video; Rigger

The Meadows, based on contractual arrangements, ensures that individuals brought into IATSE Local 84 when the house was unionized be afforded First On-the-Call status.


Stage manager and assistant

These are two positions as selected by the Symphony in conjunction with the Business Agent and a possibility of a third person being added to a call based on need at the discretion and choice of the Union or symphony staff.

The uniqueness of the House and Head positions places themselves above the call list or “On the Call” within their house. A house person CANNOT refuse work in their House simply to fill a more lucrative position in another venue. There may be times when the needs of the Local will preclude that and a person  may,  based  on  skills  and  a  unique  situation,  bused  to  fill  a  position  in  another  venue, temporarily vacating their house position for a specific call or time period. In such cases, the Business Agent will backfill the vacant house position on a temporary basis based on the skills required and the available members using the criteria set forth under the classification system.

The stature of the Bushnell house positions selected by the Bushnell Management places them at a premium over any other venue as a result of the higher pay scale, normal working schedule and not being covered by the IATSE Local 84 selection guidelines. As a result, XL Center and Meadows House positions maintain “On the Call” status even when there is no need for their respective house positions. The Bushnell Heads and Assistants are filled based on need within the house as defined in the contract. After the necessary house positions are filled, any and all additional positions fall under the normal classification system. House members not on the call will be utilized based on where they fall within the said classification system, but not given “On the Call” status as is given in the XL center or Meadows Music Center.

No employee shall hold more than one house position provided that there are other applicants with the necessary qualifications to perform the duties of any open position.


Referents must report to work wearing clean and neat clothing and under good personal hygiene. No shorts shorter than mid-thigh, sleeveless shirts or inappropriate footwear are allowed. At no time will anything worn or used contain lewd, vulgar or offensive language or messages. For safety reasons, referents  are  asked  to  remove  jewelry  and  tying  back  long  hair.  All  Dress  Guidelines  are  the responsibility of the Steward, Head of House or Stage Manager to enforce as they deem necessary for the working conditions.

Unless specifically requested by show personnel, all referents are required to wear show blacks during any performance/event that they are working.

Failure on the part of the referent to adhere to the dress guidelines may lead to fines, suspension, and refused work with no compensation as is set forth in the Rules of Conduct.


All people are required to arrive at work calls with sufficient tools to perform any assigned jobs. Failure to have the required tools at the report time will subject the person to removal from the call with no compensation. The tools must be in working order. Sufficient tools are defined as the following:

                  Hand                                                     Rigger                   Wardrobe

      Crescent Wrench                                      Rope (120 feet)                              Needle and thread (sample

       Hammer                                                      Harness                                               pack of different colors)

                                                                         Flashlight                                         Scissors   

      Pliers or Channel Locks                             Split ?Sheaves                                 Apron

      Screwdriver (flat and Phillips)                Klein tool 34 inch Havens Grip        Sharpie marker and pens

      9/16 (deep) socket with ratchet                                                                       Multi?tool 

      Knife                                                                                                                   Seam ripper 


      Tape Measure 

      Work gloves (optional) 

      Edison Electrical Tester 

The tools highlighted and underlined in the above section are the minimum required for every job accepted through this referral process. As a working professional in the Theatrical Arts field, being prepared for work with the necessary tools distinguishes us from the secondary labor pools.

Additional tools may be helpful in carrying out our duties and responsibilities. These tools are:

      Channel Locks      Allen?Set      Electrical Tester      Tel?Rad      Level      Utility Knife      Vice Grips      Flashlight

Other Specialty Tools may suit the needs of the individual to increase productivity.

Failure on the part of the referent to adhere to the tool guidelines may lead to fines, suspension, and refused work with no compensation as is set forth in the Rules of Conduct.

The cost of these tools in many cases is less than one hour's pay.


Discipline regarding Tardiness, No-Shows, Intoxication and failure to bring tools/blacks will result in fines and possible suspension or termination. The schedule below reflects the fines associated with said infractions. In all cases, disciplinary actions associated with the individual acts.

1. Failure to Dress or Tool Guidelines: $15.00

2. Late to work: $15.00

3. No-show: $50.00

4. Intoxication/Insubordination: $100.00

These fines must be paid before the referent can be returned to the active work list. If a referent refuses to pay the fine or does not pay the fine within the calendar month in which the fine occurred, the said referent can be removed from the active work list permanently.

If a referent is fined $200.00 or more in any calendar year, they will be subject to a review by the Executive Board of I.A.T.S.E. Local 84. If the referent is a constant repeat offender, the Executive Board may fine that person an additional $200.00 or suspend them from the active work list for not less than one month.

If, at any time, a referent is considered intoxicated or shows signs of substance abuse at a jobsite or meeting, that referent will be subject to a $100.00 fine and up to a thirty (30) day suspension from the referral list.

In the event that a referent is found guilty of violating any Local 84 policy or that of our clients or employers, the employer’s disciplinary action for said referent will be in addition to any disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Executive Board and in keeping within the Rules of Conduct.

Any appeal regarding the disciplinary measures/fines outlined in these Rules of Conduct must be in writing within 10 days of the infraction to the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Executive Board. At no time will an appeal be allowed outside of the specified time frame.

All Stewards/Stage Managers etc... are expected to notify the Executive Board of any and all offenses via email and will be responsible for notifying anyone in person they are

writing up, with the exceptions of a NO SHOW (as they won’t be present) and late to work (as those people will know whether or not they arrived on time for their call). If proper

protocol isn’t handled by those designated in charge, they too will be subject to a $100.00 fine, assessed by the Executive Board. A list of names of those owing fines will be

posted in the Local #84 office and updated monthly and the BA will have an updated list from the Secretary Treasurer, whenever anyone has paid in full, and those individuals will

be referred work per the work rules and hiring hall practices.


Any  referent  may  file  a  complaint  concerning  any  alleged  violation  of  the  terms  of  the  Referral Procedure or Rules of Conduct.


All complaints should be filed with your immediate Supervisor/Union Lead in writing within 10 calendar days of the alleged infraction and forwarded to the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 office.

The  written  complaint  must  clearly  and  specifically  describe  the  subject  matteof  the  complaint including the section or sections alleged to have been violated. Include Who, What, When, Where, How and Why as deemed appropriate in the complaint. The written complaint should indicate if he or she wishes to appear in person before the Business Agent.

In the event the complaint is regarding the Supervisor, reports will be forwarded to the Business Agent.

In the event the complaint is regarding the Business Agent, reports will be forwarded to the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Executive Board.

The Business Agent, if not cited in the complaint, will investigate said complaint and respond within 14 days to the complaint. Any disciplinary action or fines issued by the Business Representative will be suspended for 10 calendar days, pending appeal.

If any party to the complaint wishes to make an appeal, it must be done within 10 calendar days of the Business Agents decision.

In the event that no appeal has been received in the allotted time, any and all fines and disciplinary actions can be applied.

Appeal Process:

Any referent involved in the complaint process has the right to appeal any decision/fine/discipline. In the event of appeal, all disciplinary action/fines will be suspended until the appeal process has been exhausted. As part of the Appeal Process, the referent has the right to bring any evidence forward, to speak or have other individuals speak on their behalf, adding relevant facts in support of their appeal.


Appeals must be filed in writing and received at the office within 10 calendar days from the date of the Business Agent/Executive Board’s decision. The written appeal must clearly and specifically describe the subject matter of the appeal. The written appeal should indicate if the appellant wishes to appear in person before the Executive Board.

The I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Executive Board will review the written request, listen to supporting witnesses and review both the referent’s information in addition to their own investigation regarding the complaint. The Executive Board will respond with a written decision within 30 days to the appellants with their decision and any disciplinary action/fines they find.

If a decision is not able to be reached within the 30 day period, the referent will be notified in writing with a revised timeline.

The decision by I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 Executive Board is final.


For the purposes of instituting the revised work rules, all current members of Local 84 will be notified by mail at their current address on file and informed of the posting of the revised work hiring hall rules, Classification system and Code of Conduct as well will be posted on the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 website ( and made available on request. Additional postings will be available at all jobsites. Members will be afforded 30 days to become current in outstanding dues to maintain their A list classification or be rendered to the appropriate classification based on the current payment of dues outstanding. For Example: If a member is 6 months outstanding in their per capita payments and refuses to pay those fees within the 30 day time period, they will be lowered to the D List. Any person may write to the Executive Board requesting a waiver to the 30 day rule and explain the extenuating circumstances surrounding the hardship. In no case shall a waiver be obtained that will last more than 90 days. After the conversion of all members and associate members into the revised classification system, the class they enter will be the classification of record. Reinstatement at that time would require them to meet the criteria for the higher class as if they never attained that level of classification previously.


Theatrical Stage Employees Local 84

Notice - Substance Abuse Policy

As a part of our commitment  to safeguard the health  of our membership  and associate membership,  to provide   a safe place for our people to  work, anto promote  a drug free environment. I.A.T.S.E.  Local 84 has established this  policy  on the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs by our members and associate members.

Substance  abuse,  at work or otherwise,  seriously endangers the safety of our people,  as well  as  the  general  public.  It  also  creates  a  variety of  problems  in  the  work  place; increased  health   care  and   benefits   costs,   increased   theft,   decreased   morale  and productivity, and an overall decline in the quality of work  we provide. This program has been established to remove abusers of drugs and alcohol from our work force.  It i s also our policy to prevent the use and/ or presence of these substances in the workplace.

The policy  for I.A.T.S.E. Local 84  is  that  no  referents will  be  allowed  to work  if  they appear  to  be  under  the  influence  of alcohol or any illegal substance to include prescription medications that may render a person impaired. Consumption of any alcoholic beverages or the taking of any illegal or narcotic substances that render a person in an impaired state during work hours, including  breaks, is a violation of  this  policy  and  an individual  will be sent home  with  potential  loss of  wages,  fines and  other disciplinary actions as necessary based on the circumstances. In the event an individual is being refused work or to be sent home, the shop steward, Head of House and members’ representative or lead will be apprised of the situation and allowed to make a second assessment to ensure the referent's right to work is not violated.  All actions taken by these individuals will be written and submitted to the Executive Board for appropriate action.

It is the goal of I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 to have our workforce free of those who choose to use illegal drugs, misuse prescription drugs and abuse alcohol.  This policy was designed to achieve this goal.

This policy shall be effective as of the undersigned date. All members and associate members who remain on the I.A.T.S.E. Local 84 referral system  after this date and by accepting referrals, will demonstrate that they agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy and any such amendments as required. I further understand it is my responsibility to remain current on any and all policies in force.

Refer to for hiring hall rules and policies.

IATSE Local 84s Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policy

Table of Contents

• 1. Policy Statement

• 2. Definitions

• 3. Recognizing Harassment

• 4. Some Examples

• 5. Grievance Procedures

• 6. Non-retaliation

• 7. Disciplinary Action

• 8. For More Information

1. Policy Statement

This defines the harassment policy of IATSE Local 84.

The most productive and satisfying work environment is one in which work is accomplished in a spirit of mutual trust and respect. Harassment is a form of discrimination that is offensive, impairs morale, undermines the integrity of employment relationships and causes serious harm to the productivity, efficiency and stability of our organization.

All employees have a right to work in an environment free from discrimination and harassing conduct, including sexual harassment. Harassment on the basis of an employee's race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, age (40 and over), disability, sex, arrest or conviction record, marital status, sexual orientation, membership in the military reserve or use or nonuse of lawful products away from work is expressly prohibited under this policy. This policy will be issued to all current employees and during orientation of new employees.

2. Definitions

In general, harassment means persistent and unwelcome conduct or actions on any of the reasons underlined above. Sexual harassment is one type of harassment and includes unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature or unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature includes, but is not limited to

• The repeated making of unsolicited, inappropriate gestures or comments;

• The display of offensive sexually graphic materials not necessary for our work;

Harassment on any basis (race, sex, age, disability, etc.) exists whenever

• Submission to harassing conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual's employment.

Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision affecting an individual.

• The conduct interferes with an employee's work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

3. Recognizing Harassment

Harassment may be subtle, manipulative and is not always evident. It does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior that is not welcome and is personally offensive. All forms of gender harassment are covered. Men can be sexually harassed; men can harass men;

Women can harass other women. Offenders can be managers, supervisors, co- workers, and non-employees such as clients or vendors.

4. Some examples:


Jokes, insults and innuendoes (based on race, sex, age, disability, etc.), degrading sexual remarks, referring to someone as a stud, hunk or babe; whistling; cat calls; comments on a persons body or sex life, or pressures for sexual favors.


Gestures, staring, touching, hugging, patting, blocking a person's movement, standing too close, brushing against a person's body, or display of sexually suggestive or degrading pictures, racist or other derogatory cartoons or drawings.

5. Grievance Procedure

Any employee who believes he or she is being harassed, or any employee who becomes aware of harassment, should promptly notify his or her supervisor. If the employee believes that the supervisor is the harasser, the supervisor's supervisor should be notified. If an employee is uncomfortable discussing harassment with his or her supervisor, the employee should contact the Members Representative or Business Agent for the Point of Contact at the venue you are working in. Information on your right to file a state or federal harassment complaint is also available from your Members Representative or Business Agent.

Upon notification of a harassment complaint, a confidential and impartial investigation will be promptly commenced and will include direct interviews with involved parties and, where necessary, with employees who may be witnesses or have knowledge of matters relating to the complaint. The parties of the complaint will be notified of the findings and their options.

6. Non-retaliation

This policy also expressly prohibits retaliation of any kind against any employee bringing a complaint or assisting in the investigation of a complaint. Such employees may not be adversely affected in any manner related to their employment.

7. Disciplinary Action

The company views harassment and retaliation to be among the most serious breaches of workplace behavior. Consequently, appropriate disciplinary or corrective action, ranging from a warning to termination, can be expected.

Refer to for hiring hall rules and policies.

Page Last Updated: Jan 26, 2023 (18:30:00)
IATSE Local 84
141 Weston Street #59
Hartford, CT 06141-0059

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